Feeling defeated changes coming.

I feel completely defeated lately, like none of my kids care about anything! Technology and children's health don't mix. Gaming is destroying my children's mental and emotional health. In my opinion!

   My sweet 15 year old with down syndrome wants to be in the fashion and style of the now. not happening! I will not see he wear half naked outfits to school, or anywhere for that matter. I made some simple fixes to it gave in to the holes in the jean (not my thing) and found some more edgy shirt for her. She still doesn't like it. she want crop tops and and shorts skirts. She can't wear those things, I don't want her giving the wrong impression to others, and sure as hell don't want to see her get hurt and not be able to tell me what happened. Not to say it can't happen dressing in appropriate clothing.

   My 13 year old son is addicted to videogames, and has a mood to go with it. He hates school and wants to be homeschooled. Problem with that is he not even keep up with his distance learning so how to I trust him to do his homeschool work. His missed at least 5 days of his in school learning. and he only goes two days a week. and when I say miss it him refusing to go to school. I get his upset and school is harder. but you can't be better if you don't try and if you don't talk to you teachers. 

   My 11 year old is wonderful she helps take care of her 2 year old sister while I work, and the other kids wont they are to busy with their games. But I have problems with her to she gets in to all of my stuff without asking. I have grounded her for doing so and yet it doesn't matter. I have offered to buy her her own items of makeup or what ever yet she still goes back to getting into mine.

   My 7 year old holy moly has a temper from hell, she is easy put into a mood. and we are working on this but it seem to do nothing. time out grounds do nothing.she also very much so into this gaming thing! 

   My 5 year old is being tested for autism, but is speech delayed and has texture sensitivity and also a terrible sleeping pattern. she goes months with no naps and going to bed at like 4:30am and waking at like 6 or 7am, which me no sleep for this mommy. 

   I feel so defeated my kids don't care about anything other than what they can get. and they are getting all of me and more. there is nothing left to give. I am so worn out. mentally physically and emotionally! and yet I keep going why? Cause I know I have to I have to be the example, their punching bag, there caregiver, their everything. Their poor dad is such an amazing dad hard working and dedicated to us. feels the stress with me. 

   So my question to all of you. Do you feel that technology has made an impact on our children? 

   I feel that technology as great as it is. has had a great impact on our children's lives?
 They are dependent on it, they don't know how to do things without a devic, they are lazy which in turn is hurting there emotional health as well. I notice that my girls are in much better moods and nicer to each other when they are able to get out and be active. but hateful and hurtful to each when they aren't able to get and and be physical outside. I notice my son mood drop dramatically as well. He has not deserve to go outside ever, He can careless about making friends and hanging out with people cause he doesn't like people as he puts it. His a very smart child has been in the gifted and talented programs since he was in kindergarten, yet can't maintain his grades for the life of him, because he only wants to play game. He says he wants to code and do web design when he grows up I bought him and book to start coding his used it three time and only cause I told him to. He says he wont go to college because he can make it fine by doing web design. I offered to by a book on web design he said not bother. I won't use it. what the hell. How do I get him to get off the gaming train and back to normal life. We can't even take him to the backyard for family time without him breaking down on how we are ruining his life cause he not on a device or game. He makes going on hike horrible and not enjoyable and on purpose his let us know many a times. his willing to get grounded from devices to make sure we have a bad time since he didn't want to go from the start.

   One very defeated mom! But not for long changes will come! Moods will change! Healthy changes are on there way.
